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Hypnotherapy for Fear of Spiders

Using hypnotherapy for fear of spiders is a really useful tool to help you change the way you think about spiders, as well as how you respond when you see one.

It's estimated that around 50% of all women and 10% of all men suffer from a fear of spiders to some degree.

The fear of spiders is understandable, and many people will react to spiders, especially when they appear unexpectedly. However, arachnophobia is an irrational fear reaction that goes much further. If you suffer from arachnophobia you may find yourself unable to move, paralysed by fear or experiencing a panic attack. Using hypnotherapy for arachnophobia is highly successful when you experience this level of reaction to something.

Benefits of Using Hypnosis for Fear of Spiders

Using hypnotherapy for arachnophobia is a straightforward process and you’ll usually see the benefits immediately.

Spider hypnotherapy will:

  • Enable you to deal with spiders without responding anxiously
  • Reduce your feeling of fear when confronted by spiders
  • Keep control of your mind so you don’t overreact
  • Live your life more freely without avoiding places where spiders usually reside

Cost of Hypnotherapy for Fear of Spiders

Because arachnophobia is a subconscious reaction, hypnotherapy is very successful at eliminating your fears. Often it will take just one or two sessions to see the difference in how you react to spiders. However, hypnotherapy works better as a longer term course of treatment so depending on the severity of your phobia, you may need further sessions.

How Does Hypnotherapy for Arachnophobia Work?

Hypnosis works directly on your mind and how you react to your fear of spiders. The quickest, most effective spider phobia treatment starts with returning to the origin of the fear then skilfully reprocessing the negative conditioning. This eliminates your subconscious programming to react in a certain way when confronted with a spider.

By addressing your reaction, the amount of fear that you feel is reduced enough for you to stay in control. This means that you will not experience a panic attack or act fearfully. Instead, you’ll be able to take control and reduce the feeling of fear when you see a spider, so you can react accordingly.

What to Expect at your Hypnotherapy for Arachnophobia Session

At your initial consultation we’ll discuss your reactions to spiders and when you think your phobia may have started. We’ll talk about how you feel emotionally when confronted with spiders and how you react physically. Once you’re happy and understand the hypnosis process we’ll move onto the hypnotherapy sessions.

To begin your treatment, I’ll guide you into a deep, relaxed state. Whilst this state can feel similar to sleep, your mind will be highly focused and open to suggestion. We’ll then start the process of remembering back to when the phobia started, or a time when you felt the most fear. I’ll then offer suggestions of how you feel instead when confronted by a spider. We’ll discuss these suggestions prior to the session so you know what to expect and are comfortable with them.

Please note that I do not expose you to spiders as part of the hypnosis process. This is done by you when you feel ready to do so.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does hypnotherapy work? How many sessions will I need? Where are you based?