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Hypnosis for Gambling

A gambling addiction can be crippling; often taking a significant toll on the finances and relationships of those affected. Using hypnosis for gambling addictions can be the solution to ending the compelling hold of gambling.

Compulsive gamblers seek to recap their losses with further bets, creating the continual cycle of wins and losses and keeping them addicted. Bookmakers and betting companies consider these types of gamblers as the lifeblood of their business. Their success is down to the constant financial drain and seemingly hopeless addiction to have that ‘one big win’.

Gambling addiction is estimated to cost the UK up to £1.2 billion per year.

My hypnotherapy for gambling sessions can free you from the grasp of gambling addiction and set you on the path to regaining control of your finances and your life.

Benefits of Using Hypnosis for Gambling Addiction

Whether you can feel yourself becoming slowly addicted to gambling, or you’ve been a compulsive gambler for years – making that decision to stop will undoubtedly have significant benefits.

Stopping gambling will:

  • Save you money
  • Give you a sense of control
  • Eliminate worries over recouping financial losses
  • Reduce everyday anxiety and stress
  • Improve relationships with partners and loved ones

Cost of Hypnotherapy for Gambling Addiction

When looking at the money lost through gambling, hypnosis for stopping gambling is highly worthwhile. I could help you to stop gambling in just a few sessions. Your free initial telephone consultation will enable me to assess the depth of your addiction and give you a better indication of how long the hypnotherapy treatment will be needed. I must stress though that addiction to things like gambling can be hard to break and relapse is a constant threat. Your commitment to taking back control of your life and understanding hypnotherapy isn’t a one-session fix will greatly increase your chances of success.

How Hypnosis for Gambling Works

Gambling is a devastating and consuming addiction that has enormous consequences for the gambler and the people you love. Hypnosis for gambling addiction can provide a beneficial treatment to long-term recovery from gambling. Making lasting changes through hypnosis can allow you to take control of gambling urges and live a life in control of your decisions.

Through my hypnosis sessions, I will help you to develop self-esteem, real confidence and skills to cope with gambling temptations. Hypnosis will help you to form more positive and healthier thinking patterns, as well as develop new methods to use so you are less tempted by gambling, so it becomes less and less compulsive.

What to Expect from your Hypnotherapy for Gambling Session

At the start of your hypnotherapy session, you’ll be guided into a deep, relaxed state. This allows the mind to be much more open to suggestion and change. Once you’re in this stage, I’ll start to make suggestions to enable you to change your thought patterns and behaviours around gambling.

I’ll change these suggestions to what you’re comfortable with and what we’ll have discussed previously.

I can rapidly reduce or even completely eradicate your compulsion to gamble. Addiction exists because of your craving for your next ‘fix’. Hypnosis helps by destroying this craving, replacing it with a more positive, appropriate behaviour.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does hypnotherapy work? How many sessions will I need? Where are you based?