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Hypnotherapy for Pain Relief

Chronic pain is a complicated problem that can be hard to treat. Hypnotherapy for pain relief can offer some alleviation from the ongoing discomfort of constant or intermittent chronic pain.

There are many causes of long-term chronic pain, such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Any condition that causes chronic pain needs medical assistance and a pain management plan. Hypnotherapy can form part of this plan for many and has proven to be very effective in managing pain.

Studies have shown that 70% of chronic pain patients find their pain and other symptoms are reduced after hypnotherapy.

Often opioid medications are prescribed to help with pain treatment. However, these drugs can be very addictive, so hypnotherapy is a good solution to potentially reducing your dependency on medication to alleviate pain.

Stress and anxiety are common side effects of pain and can even make the pain feel even worse.

Helping to reduce stress and change the thought patterns related to pain through hypnosis can make a huge difference to pain perception.

Benefits of Using Hypnotherapy for Pain Relief

Hypnosis for pain relief can:

  • Help you feel in control of your pain
  • Reduce feelings and acuteness of pain
  • Manage the stress and anxiety caused by your condition
  • Reduce the need for medication for pain management

Cost of Hypnotherapy for Chronic Pain

As every person is different, it’s difficult to say how many hypnotherapy sessions you’ll need for managing your pain. Hypnotherapy is a longer-term course of treatment, but you should start to feel the benefits after just one session. We’ll discuss what you want to achieve from your treatment, and coupled up with your pain management plan we’ll work out the best course of action for you.

Please note, I will not be able to treat you unless you have authorisation from your doctor.

How Does Hypnotherapy for Pain Work?

People vary in how susceptible they are to hypnotic suggestion so the results can vary. If you’re fairly suggestible then hypnosis can bring huge improvements in pain relief.

Rather than trying to reduce the physical pain you feel, hypnosis for pain relief works by focusing on acceptance of your chronic condition, reducing the fear and anxiety surrounding it. Your perception of pain can greatly influence how you feel pain and how you manage it.

Some of the hypnosis sessions you have will focus on inducing an analgesic effect. This means that they use suggestions of you being pain free, having reduced pain, or having increased functioning to help you reduce your pain levels.

What to Expect at your Hypnotherapy Session

Hypnotherapy uses relaxation and visualisation techniques to guide you into a state of deep peacefulness. When you’re in this hypnotic state, you are less inhibited and more open to suggestion. 

Before this in your initial consultation, we’ll discuss the process of hypnosis, your pain management plan and what you want to achieve from hypnotherapy. We’ll work out the best way forward and discuss the suggestions I will use to make sure you’re happy with the course forward.

Once you’re ready for the hypnosis stage, I’ll guide you into a deep, relaxed state. We will then start to work towards the goals we have discussed. For example, you may worry about going for a walk, in case it triggers your pain and you feel unable to carry on. In this instance I may ask you to imagine walking down a country path feeling calm and pain free. At the end of the walk, you imagine feeling happy and empowered. This will help you to be less scared of that situation in the future and more able to complete it. If there are several situations like this where you feel anxiety and stress, we will work on them over a course of sessions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does hypnotherapy work? How many sessions will I need? Where are you based?